• Purpose of Restricted Areas:

The restricted area feature is used to prevent the machine from accessing specific zones. Similar to obstacle settings, users can simply mark the location on the map.

• Locations that Require Separate Obstacle/Restricted Area Settings:

Within the boundaries, for example, areas with height differences like swimming pools or sandpits, where clear visual boundaries exist, the machine will recognize these as obstacle zones. Flower beds or vegetable gardens with a height less than 20 cm. Trees with protruding roots. Large pits or holes. Play areas with equipment like trampolines, swings, slides. Areas with fragile, transparent objects. Areas with exposed electrical wires on the ground.

• Purpose of Passages:

Passages connect multiple areas in the garden. If two areas are naturally connected on the map, setting passages may not be necessary.

• Purpose of Blank Areas:

In a garden, there might be regions without grass, such as gravel or stone paths. If these areas are left without designating them as no-grass zones, there's a chance the machine could trigger the visual obstacle avoidance function. To avoid this, it's advisable to set these regions as no-grass zones.

• Purpose of Virtual Walls:

Similar to restricted areas, virtual walls block the machine from temporarily traversing specific zones. Users can add virtual walls on the map through the app.

• Expanding Map Boundaries:

Simply go in the app and continue mapping. If the new and existing maps are connected, they will automatically merge.

• Reducing Map Boundaries:

Currently, there is no direct way to reducemap boundaries. To avoid a specific area, use virtual walls or restricted areas.

• Map Learning and its Purpose:

While setting up boundaries, users may occasionally be too close or too far from the actual boundary. By activating the map learning feature, the machine can identify the optimal distance for the map boundary, automatically adjusting it to extend 3.3 feet beyond the initially mapped boundary. Map learning occurs automatically during the entire cutting process and helps identify unmarked obstacles in the garden.

• Differences in Blade Disc Speeds:

Low speed prolongs machine runtime, but cutting quality may be inferior compared to high speed. Choose high speed for finer lawn quality and low speed for efficiency.

• Reasons for Losing Mowing Progress:

Ending the process in the app or creating a new map area clears the current mowing progress.

• Can you Bind Multiple Machines to One Account?

Yes, up to X machines.

•Can you Bind One Machine to Multiple Accounts?

Each machine can only be linked to one primary account. For sharing with other users, simply tap the "Share" button in the app, and other users can add the device by scanning the provided QR code.

• Purpose of Passages:

Passages connect multiple areas in the garden. If two areas are naturally connected on the map, setting passages may not be necessary.

• Purpose of Blank Areas:

In a garden, there might be regions without grass, such as gravel or stone paths. If these areas are left without designating them as no-grass zones, there's a chance the machine could trigger the visual obstacle avoidance function. To avoid this, it's advisable to set these regions as no-grass zones.

• Purpose of Virtual Walls:

Similar to restricted areas, virtual walls block the machine from temporarily traversing specific zones. Users can add virtual walls on the map through the app.

• Expanding Map Boundaries:

Simply go in the app and continue mapping. If the new and existing maps are connected, they will automatically merge.

• Reducing Map Boundaries:

Currently, there is no direct way to reduce map boundaries. To avoid a specific area, use virtual walls or restricted areas.

• Map Learning and its Purpose:

While setting up boundaries, users may occasionally be too close or too far from the actual boundary. By activating the map learning feature, the machine can identify the optimal distance for the map boundary, automatically adjusting it to extend 3.3 feet beyond the initially mapped boundary. Map learning occurs automatically during the entire cutting process and helps identify unmarked obstacles in the garden.

• Differences in Blade Disc Speeds:

Low speed prolongs machine runtime, but cutting quality may be inferior compared to high speed. Choose high speed for finer lawn quality and low speed for efficiency.

• Reasons for Losing Mowing Progress:

Ending the process in the app or creating a new map area clears the current mowing progress.

• Can you Bind Multiple Machines to One Account?

Yes, up to X machines.

•Can you Bind One Machine to Multiple Accounts?

Each machine can only be linked to one primary account. For sharing with other users, simply tap the "Share" button in the app, and other users can add the device by scanning the provided QR code.